Corneal Function:
Critical for Vision
Light enters our visual system through the cornea—a normally transparent tissue at the front of the eye. Corneal health is critical for proper vision. The two most common causes of corneal disease are dysfunction of the epithelium on the outer surface, and dysfunction of the endothelium on the interior surface. These diseases can lead to visual impairment or blindness.
Our Vision: Innovative Cell Therapies for Regenerative Medicine

Stem cells in the limbus, an area around the perimeter of the cornea, constantly replenish the ocular surface to provide visual clarity and a smooth, well-conditioned surface. When these stem cells are damaged, the corneal epithelium is unable to repair and renew itself. This condition, Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency (LSCD), can lead to pain and blindness as the cornea deteriorates.
The Future
OcuCell’s approach for the next generation of LSCD therapies is to replenish limbal stem cell populations and restore the eye’s ability to heal itself. Stem cells can be expanded in the lab to create therapeutic grafts covering the entire area of injury.
The interior surface of the cornea is lined by a single layer of endothelial cells, which serve a critical role in regulating the eye’s homeostasis. Damage or dysfunction of these cells can lead to corneal swelling, loss of transparency, and ultimately loss of vision. Tissues currently used in treatment are difficult to procure and highly delicate, making them easy to damage and difficult to handle during surgery.
Treatment of Endothelial Disease can be achieved by specifically replenishing the endothelial cell population. Engineered tissues using lab-grown cells offer the opportunity to expand the supply of available tissue, are easier to handle during surgery, and allow expanded quality controls aimed at improving long-term outcomes for patients.